The Standard Model
The Nagahara Standard Model flute follows the first original flute design created by Kanichi Nagahara in 1991, including his original scale which was developed with the orchestral flutist in mind. Providing improved stability and tone of E2 and enhanced response and intonation of the third octave, the Standard Model offers the player a broad tone color palette, as well as the versatility and control needed for section playing.
Like all of our flutes, the Standard Model is custom-built by hand to the specifications of each customer. These flutes are played worldwide by professional and recreational flutists alike, enabling each musician to present their very best in each performance. Having the widest selection of material and additional options of any Nagahara model (or indeed, any other brand), the Standard Model is one of the most customizable instruments on the market.

The Standard model flute is available with the following options:
A solid Silver, gold or platinum body and headjoint tube (see Metals page for detailed options)
Solid Silver or gold key mechanism and soldered toneholes (for gold mechanism, see K.N. Exclusive)
Open-hole (French) or closed-hole (plateau) key cups
B-foot or C-foot joint
Inline, offset, or half-offset G
Nagahara Pinless Mechanism
The Nagahara Thumb key
TRIAD pads
Pitch: A=440, A=442, or A=444
Galway Locking crown with light base
Additional Options: Split-E, C# trill, high-E facilitator, Nagahara Wearless Mechanism, D# or D#-C# roller(s), 14K gold rings, keys & lipplate engraving.